Our design emphasis is on the safety of our equipment.  The safe passage of your customers is our business; our accreditation is something upon which we pride ourselves.

BS EN ISO 9001:2008 – Quality Management Systems

BS EN ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management Systems

BS OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems

Each installation complies with current British Standard requirements and safety codes.

Units are marked with CE upon completion.

Axis observes strict quality procedures and maintains accreditation under ISO 9001-2000.


LEIA – The Lift and Escalator Industry Association

IIP – Investors in People

CHAS – Construction Health and Safety

Safe Contractor

Construction line

RoSPA – Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

Axis prides itself on its safety record and complies with all British Safety standards.

We are approved contractors for the Department of the Environment (Construction line – 2806; Central Government Approved list of Works Contractors.

Local Health Authorities also include Axis on their Approved Tender Lists.